Do you want us to register your trademark in the IMPI?
Please leave us your contact information to get in touch with you and carry out the registration of your trademark. We are specialists in the registration of trademarks in Mexico with more than 23 years of experience.
Trademark Registration in Mexico
Trademark registration is important because:
Steps to carry out trademark registration in IMPI:
Where are trademarks registered in Mexico?

Trademark Registered ®
How to know if a trademark has already been registered?
How to know if a trademark has already been registered?
The registration of a trademark grants the owner the exclusive right to use it and prevent third parties from marketing similar or identical products under the same trademark or using a similar trademark.
- It is legally protected.
- It guarantees you the exclusive right to exploit or use it in the market.
- It gives you distinction among competitors in the market.
- It raises the value of your company, since a trademark is an intangible asset.
- It gives you the possibility of licensing or franchising your trademark, making your business grow.
To file a trademark before the Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) the following is necessary:
- Name and nationality of the applicant of the trademark registration, either individual or legal entity.
- Address of the applicant of the registration, and of its commercial or industrial establishment if the trademark is already in use before applying for its registration.
- A copy of the trademark to be registered.
- Products or services to be protected.
- Date of first use of the trademark in Mexico.
Once we have this information, we proceed to file the trademark before the IMPI.
Approximately 4 to 12 months in the IMPI
Yes, the fact that a trademark is pending constitutes an expectation of rights.
If a third party uses a trademark owned by you without your authorization, it is an infringer, and an Administrative Declaration of Infringement can be requested before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI).
Yes, after 3 years from the concession, the Declaration of Use must be submitted and renewed every 10 years.
The protection is territorial, meaning Mexico and its 32 states.

FAQ’s about trademark registration
The IMPI is the only organization empowered to legally carry out the process of receiving applications for trademark registration as well as to protect the intellectual property rights of users who have already made the process before.
However, there are legal firms that can help and advise you with the trademark registration process so that you can successfully complete the procedure.
A trademark can be defined as any name or figure that functions as an identifier and differentiator for your company, products or services before other similar ones within your commercial sector.
In order to register a trademark of a copyrighted work whether titles, images or other artistic or intellectual elements, it is necessary to have the corresponding authorization from the holder of such rights so as not to violate the law by making use of such creations without consent.
It is prohibited to register trademarks that have similarities with others already registered in the IMPI, since this counts as an infringement of the intellectual property rights of third parties.
In order not to have any problems with the registration of your trademark it is essential that you present a unique name and sign that is distinguishable from other trademarks in the market.
Starting a trademark registration procedure involves a process carried out by the IMPI to determine if it is viable or not, considering that this new registration does not compromise any patent or copyright. In case it does not comply with these requirements, a negative resolution will be given to the application, so that initiating the process does not assure the trademark registration.
In MARCANET you will be able to consult all the information related to the trademark registrations made in Mexico, through the link: official portal of trademark registrations MARCANET.
To verify if the trademark you want to register is similar to any other, then you should use the MARCIA which is a powerful tool to phonetically compare the trademarks that are currently registered.
This way you will be sure that you can carry out without any problem the registration of your trademark before the IMPI.
It is very easy to obtain and consult your CURP, you can do it through the following link: official Government portal to obtain CURP.
In case you do not know your CURP, please have the following information at hand:
- Name
- First last name
- Second last name
- Day of birth
- Month of birth
- Year of birth
- Sex
- State