Registro de Logotipos - Vadillo & King
Angel Independencia Ubicación Firma Vadillo Registro de Marcas y Logotipos

Logo Registration

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Application for registration of logos in Mexico

Registered Logo ®

How to register a logo in Mexico?

® Do you already have this symbol in your logo? No? What are you waiting for? This seal is related with the legend “Registered Trademark”, you also have to take into account that it is necessary to have it on our image.

What do we refer to with image? We are talking about the name and logo that our company or brand has.

Contact Us Logo Registration

The logo registration gives you the security that the use is not malicious, in other words, it allows you to maintain control over the use or misuse of your brand image and the connection it has with your products or services; at least over a decade. 

  1. National protection.
  2. It gives you the possibility of granting licenses for use.
  3. It distinguishes your brand over your competition.
  4. It gives you the possibility to achieve royalties due to the use of your image.
  5. Protect that your image and brand are safe to avoid misuse or someone else taking over it.

The logo registration in Mexico is make in the Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial or by its acronym IMPI.

Whether it is a natural or legal person, the following documentation is necessary:

  • Name and nationality of the applicants.
  • Address of the applicant of the logo registration and the establishment, whether is commercial or industrial.
  • An example of the logo.
  • Procedure payment.

These are the most important documents, but all the documentation you can find on the platform of the IMPI.

  • Verify the disponibility: Through MARCANET you can access information about similar brands to see if your image is available nor does it look alike.
  • Collect all the documents.
  • Pay the procedure rate.
  • Deliver the documents, whether it is online, physical or by mail.

The logo registration can be a lengthy process, because it may take between 4 to 12 months approx.

Yes, the use of the logo is not subject to the approval of the registration process, it is only waiting for legal support.

If a person uses your logo without your approval is call an offender, and in those cases you can request the IMPI, the Administrative Declaration of Violation.

Yes, every 10 years you need to renew your registration.

The protection that comes within the logo registration in Mexico is national, for which it is recognized in all 32 states.

What is the cost of the logo registration?

You can consult our rates related to the logo registration services in Mexico.

As well we offer orientation about the process that constitutes the logo registration, its advantages and implications. Our agents are specialists in logo registration in Mexico , in addition to making the international logo registration procedure in any other country.


Registered brands in Mexico

Logotype use and its renovation

To avoid expiration of logo registration, this must be used in a three year period beginning from the registration date.

The expiration declaration of a record, due to lack of use, is not generated automatically, a procedure must be requested and followed again in the Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI).

The renovation of the logo registration must be done every ten years and must be done by the owner itself.

The same way, we have a renovation service so that our clients don’t lose their image and this remains current.

Logo surveillance service

We offer a service for the automated surveillance of the logos that maintain the registration request in the Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI), and that they have similarity with our clients' logos.

This way is possible to detect on time the competitors that try to copy the prestige of the guarded logo, in the same way, we can consider filing an opposition writ to the registration, or in its case challenge the company that tries to take advantage of our clients’ reputation.

Official Declaration of a Notorious or Famous Brand

In cases of brands or logos well known or widespread, it is process in the Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) the official declarations of notary or famous brand. Both official declarations are of extraordinary importance to prevent brand or logo registration identical of other types of products or services that do not keep a direct association with the products or services covered under a brand or logo registered.
