Nuestra firma - Vadillo & King
Angel Independencia Ubicación Firma Vadillo Registro de Marcas y Logotipos

Our Firm


Professional Profile of Our Intellectual Property Law Firm

Vadillo & King

It is a prestigious firm, integrated by a team of professionals in Intellectual Property (Trademarks, Patents, and Copyrights), dedicated to find and implement the strategy that best suits your business. Sometimes that can be as simple as choosing the right trademark or securing a patent. Other times it involves protecting a trade secret or collecting royalties. Also, when negotiations are exhausted, we litigate to resolve trade disputes, choose the right trademark or secure a patent, protect a trade secret or copyright, negotiate on your behalf; or when it is unavoidable and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are not the answer, litigate to resolve trade disputes.

We conceive problems as a challenge, finding solutions that others cannot. We deliver effective strategies, responsive service, and excellent communication, which is why leading entrepreneurs and large corporations have entrusted us with their intellectual property assets.

We understand that timely advice or the rapid execution of appropriate measures translates into a competitive advantage because a changing market demands immediate action.

The differentiating factor concerning other specialized services is the integration of all the legal areas of intellectual property in a single firm. In addition to Mexico, we can represent you abroad.

We have developed technological tools that guarantee the maintenance and protection of trademarks and inventions (known as trademark surveillance service, technological surveillance, and competitive intelligence).

Lic. Patricio King
Managing Director

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