Litigation, Combating Piracy and Counterfeiting
At Vadillo & King we offer a complete counsel in matters of Intellectual Property, with highly specialized lawyers and extensive experience.

Comprehensive Litigation Service
We carry out administrative procedures of infringement, as well as procedures before the courts, representing the plaintiff or the defendant; in legal actions of unfair competition, trademark infringement, nullity or revocation of trademarks, infringement of copyright, or litigious issues related to patents, designs and utility patents.
In a highly litigious matter in Mexico, we have successfully defended many utility patents and registered trademarks of our clients; thus, avoiding "unfair competitors" trying to take illicit advantages which we have stopped and counteracted immediately.
Additionaly, we advise our clients in the drafting of their contracts, as well as in the proper interpretation of their content and clauses. We adapt to your needs to offer you a complete and transversal service, to prevent conflicts, to try satisfactory conciliations for all parties; and only as the last resource, we litigate looking for sufficient guarantees of success.